Posted: August 1, 2019 by Sebert Landscape

Just as Mother Nature herself is going through a period of renewal in the fall, every Illinois commercial landscape can use a little autumn rejuvenation.

As summer colors begin to fade, a healthy dose of fall color gives the landscape new life and vigor. Plus, fall is the time of year everyone is craving those festive shades of orange, yellow and red, making them desirable by all who visit and work at your commercial property.

In fall, we’re also adjusting irrigation system schedules, as plants’ water watering requirements change as the seasons change.

Another key fall task is applying a fresh layer of mulch to freshen landscape beds.

Just like spring, fall is an important time for mulch applications on commercial properties, and here are the main reasons why.


Fall Mulch Keeps Weeds at Bay

Weeds are unsightly nuisances in commercial landscapes. They also steal nutrients from plants in landscape beds. These are just two of the many reasons they’re never welcome in an attractive, aesthetically pleasing property.

Mulch is a natural weed-prevention agent. Weed seeds need sunlight to germinate, so a nice 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch can help keep those pesky weeds at bay. One study quoted in Mother Earth News found weeding time can be reduced by almost two-thirds through the use of mulch!


Fall Mulch Helps Safeguard Soil Moisture

Mulch is the best when it comes to    conserving soil moisture. Mulch keeps the soil from drying out and conserves the water plants receive. This is especially important during times of water restrictions and shortages.

Fall Mulch Helps Regulate Soil Temperature

Mulch helps shield plant roots from extreme temperatures like Indian summer can deliver. It’s like insulation that keeps the soil around your plants cool on hot days and warm on cool nights. This can be especially helpful in fall when temperatures tend to shift rapidly.

In weather that gets very cold and very warm over a short time period, mulch can prevent the soil from alternatively freezing and thawing, which can result in soil heaving and plant root damage. Fresh fall mulch applications can help limit the impact these rapid temperatures changes can have on tender plant roots.


Fall Mulch Gives Soil a Boost

Good soil is a plant’s best friend. So not only can mulch safeguard soil moisture and regulate soil temperature, but it also can help prevent erosion by keeping soil in place, despite rains or winds that come in fall and try to move soil out of its place. Want to relieve soil compaction? Mulch can do that, too, by reducing rain’s heavy impact on the soil surface.

As mulch breaks down, it also releases organic matter, supplying the soil with nutrients to improve soil texture over time.



Falling for Fall Mulch Applications

Illinois commercial properties with tired, faded mulch and plant roots that can be sensitive to Mother Nature’s seasonal mood swings can use a fresh dose of rich, beneficial mulch.



Give Sebert Landscaping a call at (630) 497-1000 or use our simple contact form to learn more about our fall mulch applications. (Illinois)   or (Wisconsin)